M. Sc. Jannik Zeiser

Photo von Jannik Zeiser Photo von Jannik Zeiser
M. Sc. Jannik Zeiser
Photo von Jannik Zeiser Photo von Jannik Zeiser
M. Sc. Jannik Zeiser
Visiting Researchers
Institute of Philosophy
Institute of Philosophy


Jannik Zeiser studied philosophy and biology at the University Osnabrück. He completed his dual bachelor's degree with a thesis about responsibility in crash scenarios with autonomous vehicles. Thereafter, he studied Cognitive Science with a focus on philosophy and artificial intelligence. He joined an experimental study project about the acceptance of self-driving cars and wrote his master thesis about the question in which sense robot systems can be said to have agency.

Currently, Jannik Zeiser is a research assistant at the Leibniz University Hannover. He works in the interdisciplinary project "Bias and Discrimination in Big Data and Algorithmic Processing - BIAS" and is focussing his research on challenges posed by algorithmic decision making and data processing.

Research Focus

  • Philosophy and ethics of artificial intelligence
  • Algorithmic bias and its moral and epistemic implications
  • The concept of discrimination
  • Publications


    Moral judgements on the actions of self-driving cars and human drivers in dilemma siuations from different perspectives, Frontiers in psychology, 10, 2415 (with Kallioinen, N.; Pershina, M.; Nezami, N.; Stepan, A.; Pipa, G. & König, P.). 

  • Talks
    13/11/20 "Should We Believe the Algorithm? Fairness, Epistemic Responsibility and Moral Encroachment" Copenhagen Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness