Dr. Leonie Wiemeyer
30159 Hannover
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Leonie Wiemeyer has been the scientific coordinator of the DFG Centre for Advanced Studies ‘SOCRATES - Social Credibility and Trustworthiness of Expert Knowledge and Science-Based Information’ (KFG 43) since July 2023. She has been in science management since 2018 and previously was coordinator of the DFG Research Training Group 2073 at this institute from 2020 to 2023 and a research manager at the University of Bremen in various roles. In 2021, she received her doctorate in English linguistics from the University of Bremen with a dissertation on the use of sources in the academic writing of German-speaking learners of English. She holds the first state examination for the teaching profession at the Gymnasium for the subjects English, chemistry and German as a foreign language and was a research assistant in English linguistics in Marburg, Gießen, and Bremen from 2012 to 2018.
Main focus areas as a science manager
- Management of the DFG-funded Centre for Advanced Studies SOCRATES
- Coordination of the fellowship programme and general project management
- Public relations and internal communication
- Event management
- Budgeting and financial reporting
Short CV
since 07/2023
Scientific coordinator of the DFG-funded Centre for Advanced Studies ‘SOCRATES - Social Credibility and Trustworthiness of Expert Knowledge and Science-based Information’, Institute of Philosophy, Leibniz University Hannover
- since 01/2021 Member of the UniWiND working group ‘Mental Health in the doctoral phase’
03/2020 – 07/2023
Project coordinator of the DFG-funded Research Training Group 2073 ‘Integrating Ethics and Epistemology of Scientific Research’, Institute of Philosophy, Leibniz Universität Hannover
- 2021-2022 Representative of the technical and administrative staff on the Institute's Executive Board
09/2019 – 02/2020
YUFE Institutional Coordinator, International Office, University of Bremen (European University initiative of the European Commission)
06/2019 – 09/2019
Coordinator of the Faculty Writing Workshop and Representative for Quality Management, Faculty 10, University of Bremen
07/2018 – 09/2019
Research Manager at the Graduate Centre Bremen Early-Career Researcher Development (BYRD) and the International Office, University of Bremen
- Coordination and budgeting of the research mobility project BremenIDEA, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Project Coordinator of the Intercultural Certificate
Administration of the PhD Completion Grant
03/2018 – 07/2018
Interim Erasmus Coordinator, Faculty 10, University of Bremen
2015 – 2021
Doctorate in English linguistics / second language writing research
Title of the dissertation: ‘Intertextuality in Foreign-language Academic Writing in English. A Mixed-methods Study of University Students' Writing Products and Processes in Source-based Disciplinary Assignments’
2012 – 2018
Research assistant in English linguistics at the University of Bremen, Justus Liebig University Giessen and Philipps University Marburg
2006 – 2012
Teaching degree for secondary school education (English, Chemistry, German as a foreign language), Philipps University Marburg and University of Auckland (First State Exam completed in 2012)
Selected publications
Becker, Henrike; Justus, Ursula; Saade, Marie; Wiemeyer, Leonie; Witt, Daria & Wolfermann, Corina (2024): "Psychische Belastung und Beanspruchung von Promovierenden". In: Nicole Sachmerda-Schulz, Hendrik Huthoff (Hrsg.), Mentale Gesundheit in der Promotionsphase: Unterstützungsangebote von Graduierteneinrichtungen. UniWiND-Publikationen Band 15. Freiburg: UniWiND e.V. 13-22.
Wiemeyer, Leonie (2021): Intertextuality in Foreign-language Academic Writing in English. A Mixed-methods Study of University Students’ Writing Products and Processes in Source-based Disciplinary Assignments. Doctoral dissertation. Bremen: Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen.
Mandal, Antorlina & Wiemeyer, Leonie (2019): “Foreign elements in EFL students’ term papers – Communicative strategy or display of multilingual competence?” In Parviainen, Hanna; Kaunisto, Mark and Pahta, Päivi (Hrsg.), Corpus Approaches into World Englishes and Language Contrasts. VariEng eSeries.
Wiemeyer, Leonie (2019): “Direct quotation in second language writing: A corpus-based study of intertextuality in academic learner English”. In Götz, Sandra & Mukherjee, Joybrato (eds.), Learner Corpora and Language Teaching. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 129–153.
Wiemeyer, Leonie (2019): “The diachronic productivity of native combining forms in English”. In Wiegand, Viola & Mahlberg, Michaela (eds.), Corpus Linguistics, Context and Culture. Berlin: De Gruyter. 223–252
Wiemeyer, Leonie & Schaub, Steffen (2018): “Dimensions of dissatisfaction and dissent in contemporary German rap: Social marginalization, politics, and identity formation”. In Rivers, Damian J. & Ross, Andrew S. (eds.), The Sociolinguistics of Hip-Hop as Critical Conscience: Dissatisfaction and Dissent. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 37–67.
Wiemeyer, Leonie (2017): “Intertextuality in L2 academic writing: The use of paraphrasing by German learners of English”. In de Haan, Pieter, de Vries, Rina & van Vuuren, Sanne (eds.), Language, Learners and Levels: Progression and Variation. Papers from the Third International Conference on Learner Corpus research. Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses Universitaires de Louvain. 45–68.
Callies, Marcus & Wiemeyer, Leonie (2017): “Multilingual speakers, multilingual texts: The annotation of foreign elements in learner corpora of English”. In Nurmi, Arja, Rütten, Tanja & Pahta, Päivi (eds.), Challenging the Myth of Monolingual Corpora. Leiden: Brill. 80–94.
Handke, Jürgen; Kiesler, Natalie & Wiemeyer, Leonie (eds.) (2013): The Inverted Classroom Model. The 2nd German ICM-Conference – Proceedings. München: Oldenbourg.
Bremer Forschungspreis 2023 of the Arbeitskreis der Sprachenzentren an Hochschulen e.V. for the dissertation titled "Intertextuality in foreign-language academic writing in English. A mixed-methods study of university students‘ writing products and processes in source-based disciplinary assignments"
Runner-Up Prize for Best Paper for “Direct Quotes, Paraphrases, and Summaries in L2 Academic Assignments”. 4th Learner Corpus Research Conference (LCR), 5 – 7 Oktober 2017, Eurac Research Centre, Bozen/Bolzano, Italy