Dr. phil. Karl-Friedrich Kiesow

30159 Hannover

Appointment via Stud.IP
Dr. Karl-Friedrich Kiesow has been a scientific assistant at the Institute of Philosophy at the Leibniz Universität Hannover since 1975. He obtained his PhD with a thesis titled "Naturphilosophie und Erkenntnistheorie des objektiven Empirismus. Logisch-semantische Untersuchungen zum Kalkül der Gehalte" [Philosophy of Nature and Epistemology of the Objective Epiricism. Logic-Semantical Investigation on the Calculation of Contents].
He has published works on H. Comperz, K. Bühler, E. Cassirer and S.K. Langer as well as works about the philosophy of language and culture in the 18th, 19th and 20th century.
Current Research Focus
- Whitehead's organic philosophy of science, and its effects on 20th century biology
Selected Publications
2009 Über den Unterschied von Natur- und Kulturwissenschaften. Eine philosophische Skizze. Bern: Recenseo.
2012 "C. S. Peirce: How to Make Our Ideas Clear“, in: M. Quante (ed.), Kleines Werklexikon der Philosophie, Stuttgart: Kröner.
2012 "The conception of the mind-body relationship in A. N. Whitehead and N. Hartmann", available online; appeared in Studia Whiteheadiana.