Dr. Donal Khosrowi Djen-Gheschlaghi

Photo von Donal Khosrowi Photo von Donal Khosrowi
Dr. Donal Khosrowi Djen-Gheschlaghi
Lange Laube 6
30159 Hannover
Office hours
Appointment via Stud.IP
Photo von Donal Khosrowi Photo von Donal Khosrowi
Dr. Donal Khosrowi Djen-Gheschlaghi
Lange Laube 6
30159 Hannover
Office hours
Appointment via Stud.IP
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Institute of Philosophy
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Admissions Board Philosophy of Science (Master of Arts)
Research Staff
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Institute of Philosophy


Donal Khosrowi is a postdoctoral researcher at the chair of theoretical philosophy (Prof Frisch). His current research focuses on:

1) The epistemology and ethics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the context of scientific discovery and in creative domains, e.g. text and image generation with systems like like StableDiffusion and ChatGPT. See e.g. the recent project MDAC - Machine Discovery and Creation led by Khosrowi and Dr. Finola Finn here.

2) General philosophy of science; focusing on models, simulations, and experiments, including what kinds of features make these tools epistemically useful; what differences they exhibit; and how they interact in larger epistemic projects.

3) Philosophy of social science; especially focusing on the question of what role non-epistemic moral and political values may and should play in formulating methodologies concerning evidence-production and -use.

4) Philosophy of economics; especially concerning causal inference from experimental and quasi-experimental data and how causal inference can be improved by integrating diverse kinds of evidence (e.g. qualitative and quantitative).


Main Areas of Research and Teaching

  • Philosophy and Ethics of Digital Technology (especially artificial intelligence)
  • Epistemology and methodology of machine learning (ML) in science
  • Causal inference in social science
  • Values in science
  • Scientific representation with models and simulations
  • Publications
    forthcoming with Finola Finn: "Can Generative AI Produce Novel Evidence?". Accepted at PSA 2024: Proceedings of the 2024 Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association. Contributed papers. Philosophy of Sciencehttps://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/24201/ 
    2024 with Philippe van Basshuysen: "Making a Murderer – How risk assessment tools may produce rather than predict criminal behavior". American Philosophical Quarterly (2024) 61 (4): 309–325. https://doi.org/10.5406/21521123.61.4.02 
    2024 with Finola Finn and Elinor Clark: "Engaging the Many-Hands Problem of Generative-AI Outputs: A Framework for Attributing Credit". AI and Ethics, special issue on Ethics of Generative AI. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43681-024-00440-7

    with Finola Finn and Elinor Clark: "Diffusing the Creator: Attributing Credit for Generative AI Outputs", AIES '23: Proceedings of the 2023 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society. ACM, New York, NY, USA 



    "Extrapolating from Experiments, Confidently", European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 13:18.



    "Managing Performative Models", Philosophy of the Social Sciences 



    With Elinor Clark: "Decentring the discoverer: how AI helps us rethink scientific discovery". Synthese 200, 463. 


    2022 "Evidence-Based Policy" In Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Economics, edited by Julian Reiss and Conrad Heilmann, Routledge.

    "What's (successful) Extrapolation?", Journal of Economic Methodology



    With Philippe van Basshuysen, Lucie White, und Mathias Frisch: "Three Ways in Which Pandemic Models May Perform a Pandemic", Erasmus Journal of Philosophy and Economics, 14(1), 110–127. 



    "When Experiments need Models", Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 51(4):400-424.



    With Julian Reiss (Linz). “Evidence-Based Policy: The Tension between the Epistemic and the Normative”, Critical Review, 31(2):179-197.



    ​“Getting Serious about Shared Features” The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 71(2):523–546.



    “Trade-offs Between Epistemic and Moral Values in Evidence-Based Policy”, Economics & Philosophy, 35(1):49-78.



    “Extrapolation in Econometrics – Hopes, Assumptions, and the Extrapolator’s Circle”, The Journal of Economic Methodology, 28(1):45-58.



  • Talks
    2024 (invited) “Conceptual Disruptions and the Proper Roles for ML in Scientific Discovery”, Aarhus University. 4 December 2024.

    “Can Generative AI Produce Novel Evidence?” (w/Finola Finn, LUH), PSA2024 Philosophy of Science Association Conference, New Orleans. 14-17 November.


    “Can Generative AI Produce Novel Evidence?” (w/Finola Finn, LUH), DKPhil2024 XXVI. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie, Universität Münster, 22-26 September.


    “Conceptual Disruptions and the Proper Roles for ML in Scientific Discovery”, PhilML2024, Tübingen University. 11-13 September.


    (invited) “New topics in the philosophy of evidence in social science”, Complutense University of Madrid. 24 May.


    (invited) “Conceptual disruptions of AI in science”, University of Groningen. 28 February.


    "High-risk, because they say so – How risk assessment tools may produce rather than predict criminal behavior", Prediction and Punishment: Cross Disciplinary Workshop on Carceral AI. University of Pittsburgh. 9 February.


    “Can generative AI produce synthetic evidence?”, GRK-SOCRATES Colloquium, Leibniz University Hannover. 18 January.

    2023 "Closing the Attribution Gap: A Framework for Attributing Credit for Generative AI Outputs", PCFS Seminar Series, Lingnan University, Hong Kong (online). 
    2023 “Making a Murderer – How algorithmic risk assessment tools may produce rather than predict criminal behavior” (w/ Philippe van Basshuysen), EPSA 2023, Belgrade, 20-23 September.
    2023 "Diffusing the Creator: Attributing Credit for Generative AI Outputs" (w/ Finola Finn and Elinor Clark), AIES' 23, Montreal, QC, 8-10 August (poster talk).
    2023 "Can generative AI produce historical evidence?" (w/ Finola Finn), Machine Discovery and Creation Virtual Workshop,  3-4 August.
    2023 "Diffusing the Creator: Attributing Credit for Generative AI Outputs" (w/ Finola Finn and Elinor Clark), Machine Discovery and Creation Virtual Workshop,  3-4 August.
    2023 "Can generative AI produce historical evidence?" (w/ Finola Finn), LICPOS 2023, Lisbon, 12-15 July.
    2023 "Can generative AI produce historical evidence?" (w/ Finola Finn), MCMP-LUH-Wuppertal Workshop, Munich, 6-7 July.
    2023 "Diffusing the Creator: Attributing Credit for Generative AI Outputs" (w/ Finola Finn and Elinor Clark), IACAP 2023, Prague, 3-5 July.
    2023 (invited) “Producing and Using Evidence for Policy, Responsibly”, Epistemic standards of due care in EBP workshop, ZiF, Bielefeld University, 28-29 June.
    2023 “Extrapolating from Experiments, Confidently”, INEM 2023, Venice, 24-26 May.
    2023 "Decentring the Discoverer and Creator", Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science (MCPS) International Postdoc Forum (online), 8 February.

    "External Validity as an Achievement", PSA 2022, Pittsburgh, 10-13 November.

    2022 "Generalization in Machine Learning: A Plea for Better Theory", PhilML2022: Philosophy of Science Meets Machine Learning, Tübingen, 20-22 October.
    2022 "Managing Performative Models", ENPOSS 2022, Málaga, 21-23 September.
    2022 “Extrapolation - Where is Our Theory of Confidence?”, GWP2022, Berlin, 16 September.
    2022 "Managing Performative Models", SPSP 2022, Ghent, 3 July.
    2022 "Managing Performative Models", 12th Braga Meetings on Ethics and Political Philosophy (in person), Braga, 27 June.
    2022 "Managing Performative Models", ISEC Colloquium Universität Witten/Herdecke (invited), 8 February.
    2022 "No (Value-)Free Lunch: How Moral Values Matter for Methodology", American Economic Association / ASSA 2022 (hybrid conference), 7 January.
    2021 "Managing Performative Models", INEM 2021 (hybrid), November 12. 
    2021 "Towards Democratic Evidence" (poster talk) PPE conference 2021 "Democracy Between Order and Chaos", Witten/Herdecke University, 17-19 September.
    2021 “Extrapolation - Where is Our Theory of Confidence?”, EPSA 2021 (hybrid conference), Turin, 15-18 September.
    2021 “Extrapolation - Where is Our Theory of Confidence?”, BSPS 2021 (online conference) 6-9 July.
    2020 “Experiments need Models”, ENPOSS 2020 (virtual conference), Toulouse, 14-18 September.
    2020 “Ampliative Evidence Integration - The Case of Evidence-Based Policy”, Evidential Pluralism and the Social Sciences (virtual conference), Kent, 16-17 July.
    2020 “When Mechanisms Sleep”, Philosophy of Social Science Roundtable, Emory University, Atlanta, 12-15 March.
    2019 “When Mechanisms Sleep”, Departmental Research Seminar, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 17 December.
    2019 ​“When Mechanisms Sleep”, Irish Philosophical Society Annual Conference, University College Cork, 6-7 December. 
    2019 ​“What’s (successful) extrapolation?”, Symposium on “Methodology of extrapolation and external validity: theoretical and practical appraisals in economics” w/ Judith Favereau, Maria Jiminez-Buedo, Michiru Nagatsu, Luis Moreles-Flores, Federica Russo, Sofia Blanco Sequeiros, INEM 2019, Helsinki, Finland, 19-21 August.
    2019 ​“What’s (successful) extrapolation?”, BSPS2019, Durham University, July 17-19.
    2019 ​“Idle Causes, Idle Inferences”, Economic Behaviours: Models, Measurements, and Policies, Lake Como School of Advanced Studies, June 30- July 5.
    2018 ​“Evidence-Based Policy and Its Hidden Costs of Justice” (w/Julian Reiss, Durham) PSA2018, Biennal Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Seattle, Washington, 1-4 November.
    2018 ​Symposium: “External Validity: What is it and how do we get it?” with Maria Jiminez-Buedo (UNED), Michiru Nagatsu (TINT), and Federica Russo (UVA), SPSP 2018, Ghent, Belgium, 29 June – 2 July.
    2018 ​“Getting Serious about Shared Features”, Models and Simulations 8, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA, 15-17 March.
    2017 ​“A Challenge for Value-Freedom and –Neutrality in Evidence-Based Policy”, DGPhil 2017 XXIV. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Philosophie, Berlin, Germany, 24-27 September.
    2017 ​“Getting Serious about Shared Features”, EPSA17, Exeter, UK, 6-9 September.
    2017 "Putting Rigor Back into Pragmatic trials" (w/Sarah Wieten, Stanford), EPSA17, Exeter, UK, 6-9 September.
    2017 ​“Extrapolation of Causal Effects – Hopes, Assumptions and the Extrapolator’s Circle”, INEM 2017, San Sebastián, Spain, 28-30 August.
    2017 “Value-Freedom and –Neutrality in Evidence-Based Policy”, YSI Young Scholars Initiative Workshop, San Sebastián, Spain, 27 August.
    2017 ​"Putting Rigor back into Pragmatic Trials" (w/Sarah Wieten, Stanford), NNPS Fifth Annual Meeting of the Nordic Network for Philosophy of Science, Copenhagen, Denmark, 20-21 April.

    ​“Trade-offs Between Epistemic and Moral Values in Evidence-Based Policy”, PSA2016, Biennal Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Atlanta, Georgia, 3-5 November.

    2016 ​“Trade-offs Between Epistemic and Moral Values in Evidence-Based Policy”, 5th René Descartes Lectures 2016, Workshop: “Science, Values and Democracy”, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 5-7 September.
    2016 “Getting Serious about Shared Features”, BSPS British Society for Philosophy of Science Annual Conference, Cardiff, UK, 6-9 June.
    2016 ​“Scientific and Moral Value Entanglement as a Challenge to Evidence-Based Policy”, Values in Medicine Science and Technology 6, UT Dallas, Dallas, Texas, 19-23 May.
  • Teaching
    Winter 2024/25
    • Ethics of Technology
    • Introduction to Philosophy Bootcamp (w/ Tanja Rechnitzer)
    Summer 2024
    • AI in Science and Society
    • Introduction to Philosophy Bootcamp (w/ Tanja Rechnitzer)
    Winter 2023/24
    • Contemporary Issues in Epistemology
    • Introduction to Philosophy Bootcamp (w/ Tanja Rechnitzer)
    Summer 2023
    • Creating and Discovering with AI
    Winter 2022/23
    • Philosophy and Public Policy
    • Ethics and Philosophy of Digital Technologies
    Summer 2022
    • Einführung in die Erkenntnistheorie
    • Advanced Topics in the Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence
    • Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Science (w/ Tanja Rechnitzer)
    Winter 2021/22
    • Project Seminar (MA level skill building course)
    • Project Week (MA level skill building course)
    • Evidence-Based Policy and Practice
    Summer 2021
    • Models, Simulations, and Experiments
    • Advanced Topics in the Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence
    Winter 2020/21
    • Project Seminar (MA level skill building course)
    • Project Week (MA level skill building course)
    Summer 2020
    • Causation 
    • Philosophy of Economics 
    Winter 2019/20
    • Philosophie der künstlichen Intelligenz (Philosophy of AI) 
    • ​Introduction to Philosophy of Science 
    Winter 2017/18
    • Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy (Single lecture, Durham University)
    • Values in Science (University of Bayreuth, w/Erin Nash)
    Summer 2017
    • Philosophy of Economics (University of Bayreuth)
    Winter 2016/17
    • Does Capitalism Promote or Prevent Democracy? (Single lecture, Durham University)
    • Evidence-Based Policy (University of Bayreuth, w/Tobias Grohmann, Groningen)
    Summer 2016
    • Evidence-Based Policy (University of Bayreuth, w/Tobias Grohmann, Groningen)
    Winter 2015/16
    • Foundational Issues in Philosophy of Economics (University of Bayreuth)
    Summer 2015
    • Foundational Issues in Philosophy of Economics (University of Bayreuth)


  • Scholarships and Prizes
    2021PPE Young Scholars Award for Social and Institutional Change (Institute for Social and Institutional Change [ISIC], Witten/Herdecke University)
    2018-19Royal Institute of Philosophy Jacobsen Studentship
    2015-18Durham Doctoral Scholarship
    2015-18AHRC Northern Bridge Studentship

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