Dr. Philipp Haueis

Dr. Philipp Haueis
Lange Laube 6
30159 Hannover
Office hours
Appointment via Stud.IP
Lange Laube 6
30159 Hannover
Office hours
Appointment via Stud.IP
Office hours
Appointment via Stud.IP
Institute of Philosophy


Philipp Haueis is a philosopher of science and currently is currently an interm professor at the Institute of Philosophy (substituting for Prof. Catherine Herfeld). Since 2018, he has been working as a temporary academic counsellor at the Department of Philosophy at Bielefeld University. 

After studying philosophy and economics in Berlin and Chicago, Philipp Haueis received his doctorate from the Berlin School of Mind and Brain in 2018 with a thesis on exploratory experiments and concept formation in neuroscience. During and after this time, he worked as a visiting researcher at the FU Berlin (2010-12), the MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences Leipzig (2011-17), Wesleyan University and UBC Vancouver (2013), Washington University St. Louis (2015, 2017), the Center for Philosophy of Science Pittsburgh (2019-20) and the Department for History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge (2024).

Philipp Haueis' main research areas are general philosophy of science (concepts and conceptual change), philosophy of neuroscience and cognitive science (including exploratory experiments and multiscale models), and climate research and society (including the relationship between climate research, activism and politics). He is currently completing a book manuscript on the structure, development and normative evaluation of scientific concepts (working title: ‘The norms of conceptual development in scientific practice’).

Main Areas of Research and Teaching

  • General Philosophy of Science
  • Philosophy of Neuroscience and Cognitive Science
  • Philosophy of the Climate Crisis
  • Science and Society

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