M. A. Markus Ahlers

Photo von Markus Ahlers Photo von Markus Ahlers
M. A. Markus Ahlers
Photo von Markus Ahlers Photo von Markus Ahlers
M. A. Markus Ahlers
Visiting Researchers
Institute of Philosophy
Institute of Philosophy


Markus Ahlers studied computer science (B.Sc., 2015) and philosophy of science (M.A., 2017) at the Leibniz University Hannover. He completed his bachelor degree with a thesis on the concept of implication in different systems of logic. His master's thesis focused on various potential ethical problems concerning autonomous cars.

Since August 2017 he has been a research assistant (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) for Professor Dietmar Hübner, in connection with the interdisciplinary research initiative "Mobiler Mensch". His work in this area concerns the connection between new technologies and future mobility, and the potential influence of artificial intelligence on the public space. He is also a member of the project group "Bias and Discrimination in Big Data and Algorithmic Processing - BIAS", where he works on the moral implications of artificial intelligence and machine learning on social systems, with a particular focus on problems concerning algorithmic decision-making and fairness, discrimination, and existing social norms.

Current Research Focus

  • Applied Ethics

  • Philosophy of Technology

  • Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

  • Social Philosophy

  • Publications


    "Ethische Aspekte von Crash Algorithmen für autonome Fahrzeuge: Rechte, Ansprüche und die Konstitutivität von Verkehrsregeln"

    [Ethical aspects of crash algorithms for autonomous cars: rights, claims, and the constitutivity of traffic rules]
    (with Dietmar Hübner and Lucie White), B. Oppermann und J. Stender-Vorwachs (Eds.), Autonomes Fahren (2nd ed.), München, C.H. Beck.
  • Teaching

    At the institute for theoretical computer science, LUH

    SS 2017 Übungsleiter „Logik und formale Sprachen“ [Logic and formal languages] (Prof. Dr. Heribert Vollmer)
    WS 2016/17 Übungsleiter für die Veranstaltungen „Grundlagen der theoretischen Informatik“ [Fundamentals of theoretical informatics] (Prof. Dr. Heribert Vollmer)
    SS 2016 Übungsleiter „Komplexität von Algorithmen“ [The complexity of algorithms] (Dr. Arne Meier)
    WS 2015/16 Übungsleiter „Grundlagen der theoretischen Informatik“ [Fundamentals of theoretical informatics] (Prof. Dr. Heribert Vollmer)
    SS 2015 Übungsleiter „Komplexität von Algorithmen“ [The complexity of algorithms] (Dr. Arne Meier)
    WS 2014/15 Übungsleiter „Grundlagen der theoretischen Informatik“ [Fundamentals of theoretical informatics] (Prof. Dr. Heribert Vollmer)